(11.7 kilometers)
7 hours
Difficulty: 8.5/10. For distance and elevation gain.
Appreciation: 10/10
Transportation: Take bus route 1 from Mui Wo Bus Terminal and get off at Nam Shan stop. To return, there are buses from the Ngong Ping site (Big Budha).
Garmin: http://connect.garmin.com/activity/404810730
Not much to say, the trail is well signed and keep looking for the 500m markers. Only point where you may get confused is at the beginning of section 3 (after crossing the road); you must head up and to the right and you'll see a fork a little bit higher up with a flat path on the left and more steps on the right. Go right. Otherwise, you are going on the country trail. If you have never been to Ngong Ping, if you arrive there before 5:30pm, you can climb the steps to say hi to the giant Budha