Cheung Chau Island short loop
(Updated 2019-APR-22)
Cel phone coverage: Full.
Water needs: 0.75 liter
Appreciation: 7/10. Nice relaxing walk
Map & Details:
Click for full-size map
Exercise Area: No
Transportation: Take Cheung Chau ferry from Pier 5 in Central. Ferry every half hour, alternating between regular (an hour to Cheung Chau) and fast ferry (half and hour).
Why it's worth it:
Right off the ferry, go straight, slightly to your right to the main piazza. |
On the piazza, head left. You'll go buy restaurants and a few food stalls. Good stuff to be had there but you came here to walk, right? |
After just 2 minutes walk, you'll have crossed to the other side of the island, arriving at Tong Wan Beach. Go straight and turn right onto the path following the beach front. |
Keep going by and around the hotel. |
Around the restaurant and to the beach path. |
On the paved beach path. Going up about mid-beach. |
Going up the path. |
Head left here. There's a small temple nearby, have a quick visit and pay respect to the hiking gods (if there is such a thing) |
Head left into the mini great wall. Basically, it's just a fancily paved path with a stone railing.
Nice see views along the way. |
At the pavilion, take the path down on the right. |
You'll eventually reach a set of stairs. You will want to take the stairs and go up on your right.
But before you do so, you can take 10 minutes and go to the end of the path where you'll get a nice view and some interesting rock formations. |
After the stairs, after a short walk up. Go straight . |
You'll reach a somewhat out-of-place housing development (complete with a pool) surrounded by a wall. Follow the wall and turn left at the end (by the electrical box) on Don Bosco Road. |
Head left. |
Head right. On the left if just some private compound. |
You are in sight of Nam Tam Wan and its small beach with a Tin Hau temple.
Don't take the first left, keep going straight. |
This one you can go down on your left towards the beach and Tin Hau temple. |
The temple by the beach. looks like a private hour. The path is actually on your right, before the temple.
Go have a look at the temple and when ready, go up the path. |
Stay on the left there. |
Hang right. |
Then left... |
Follow the main road on the left still. |
Stay on the main road (Peak Road), keep right. |
You'll eventually reach a pavilion. There's a map there to guide you. But if you take Middle Road down on the right, you can\s really get lost; you'll be back to the pier in 10 minutes.
Sample some of the local food before heading back to Central. |
Please, don't litter!
Hiking is about communion with nature. So please pickup after yourself. There's no excuse to leave plastic bags, water bottles or any rubbish on or around the trails; if you managed to bring it, you can manage to bring it back!